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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。汉译英翻译方法有哪些,汉译英翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1.换句话说in ot...


1.换句话说 in other words

2.期待  盼望做..... be expected to do

3.于...不同 be different from

4.....于...之间的区别 differentiate between

5.高中 senior high school

6.初中 junior middle school

7.与....相似的 be similar with

8.对....的态度 attitude towards

9.在黑板上写字 write in the blackboard

10.写下,记下 write down

11.在电脑上写字 write in the computer

12.一个叫小明的男孩 a boy named Xiaoming

13.教学方法 teaching method

14.一点也不像 nothing like

15.阅读理解 reading comprehension

16.玩的开心 enjoy yourself

17.互相 mutual

18.以小组形式 in the form of teams

19.起初 at first

20.最后 at last

21.靠某人自己 by oneself

22.为了某人自己 for one’s own sake

23.自动的,自主的 autonomous

24.以....的方法,方式 in the manner of

25.关于......的描述 description about

26.给.....留下深刻印象 leave somebody an impression

27.在......的开始 at the beginning of

28.被分成.....部分 be divided into

