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导读 大家好,我是小五,我来为大家解答以上问题。枝形吊灯英文,吊灯英文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、室内灯 residential la...


1、室内灯 residential lamp / light

2、枝状大吊灯 chandeliers

3、吊灯 pendant lamp / light

4、半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light

5、台灯 table lamp / light

6、壁灯 wall lamp / light

7、落地灯 floor lamp / light

8、吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light

9、水晶灯 crystal lamp / light

10、木灯 wooden lamp / light

11、宫灯 palace lamp / light

12、仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light

13、低压灯 low voltage lamp / light

14、工艺灯 artificial lamp / light

15、石艺灯 marble lamp / light

16、羊皮灯 parchment lamp / light

17、镜前灯 mirror front lamp / light

18、镜画灯 picture lamp / light

19、吊线灯 track / line lamp / light

20、格栅灯 grille lamp / light

21、水珠灯 water pearl lamp / light

22、导轨灯 track lamp / light

23、柱灯 pillar lamp / light

24、蒂凡尼灯 tiffany lamp / light

25、风水灯 water fountain lamp / light

26、户外灯 outdoor lamp / light

27、路灯 street lamp / light

28、筒灯 down lamp / light

29、投光射灯 spot lamp / light

30、庭院灯 garden lamp / light

31、草坪灯 lawn lamp / light

32、草地灯 lawn lamp / light

33、防水灯 water proof lamp / Under water lamp

34、柱头灯 water jet lamp / light

35、水底灯 underwater lamp / light

36、户外壁灯 outdoor wall lamp / light

37、组合灯 assembled lamp / light

38、太阳能灯 solar lamp / light

39、彩灯 holiday lamp / light

40、彩虹灯 rainbow lamp / light

41、烟花灯 firework lamp / light

42、室内灯 residential lamp/light

43、树状大吊灯 chandeliers

44、吊灯 pendant lamp/light

45、半吊灯 half pendant lamp/light

46、台灯 table lamp/light

47、壁灯 wall lamp/light

48、落地灯 floor lamp/light

49、吸顶灯 ceiling lamp/light

50、水晶灯 crystal lamp/light

51、木灯 wooden lamp/light

52、仿水晶灯imitated crystal lamp/light

53、低压灯 low voltage lamp/light

54、工艺灯 artificial lamp/light

55、石艺灯 marble lamp/light

56、羊皮灯 parchment lamp/light

57、镜前灯 mirror front lamp/light

58、镜画灯 picture lamp/light

59、吊线灯 track/line lamp/light

60、格栅灯 grille lamp/light

61、水珠灯 water pearl lamp/light

62、导轨灯 track lamp/light

63、柱灯 pillar lamp/light

64、蒂凡尼灯tiffany lamp/light

65、风水灯 water fountain lamp/light

66、户外灯 outdoor lamp/light

67、路灯 street lamp/light

68、筒灯 down lamp/light

69、投光射灯spot lamp/light

70、庭院灯 garden lamp/light

71、草坪灯 lawn lamp/light

72、草地灯 lawn lamp/light

73、防水灯 water proof lamp/under water lamp

74、柱头灯 water jet lamp/light

75、水底灯 underwater lamp/light

76、户外壁灯outdoor wall lamp/light

77、组合灯 assembled lamp/light

78、太阳能灯solar lamp/lamp

79、彩灯 holiday lamp/light

80、彩虹灯 rainbow lamp/light

81、烟花灯 firework lamp/light

82、节日灯 holiday lamp/light

83、圣诞灯 Christmas lamp/light

84、椰树灯 coconut lamp/light

85、卤素灯 Halide lamps/Halogen lamps

86、白炽灯泡incandescent light bulbs

87、组合开关integral switch


89、舞台灯 stage lamp

90、应急灯 emergecy lamp/light

91、嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯 recessed light/lamp

92、车灯 car lamp

93、车头灯 head lamp

94、投光灯 spot light/lamp

95、走线灯 light linear

96、泛光灯 flood light/lamp

97、景观灯 landscape light/lamp

98、电子感应灯electronic senor light/lamp

99、灭蚊灯 mosquito killer lamp

100、光源 light

101、灯泡 bulb

102、节能灯 energy saving lamp

103、节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯)Compact Fluorescent Lamp

104、荧光灯 fluorescent light/lamp

105、荧光灯支架fluorescent light fixtures

106、电筒 flashlight/torch light/lamp

107、灯杯 lamp cup

108、金卤灯 metal halide/halogen lamp

109、溴钨灯 Bromine tungsten lamp

110、汞灯 mercury

111、钠灯 Sodium lamp

112、卤钨灯 Halogen tungsten lamp

113、碘钨灯 iodine tunsten lamp

114、氖灯/霓虹灯neon lamp

115、石英灯 quartz lamp

116、倍尔诺照明Banner lighting company

117、卤素灯 halogen lamp

118、灯饰配件light fittings

119、灯罩 lamp shade

120、灯头/灯座lamp holder

121、灯头/灯座lamp base

122、灯盘 lamp house

123、压克力配件acrylic fitting

124、塑胶配件plastic fitting

125、陶瓷配件ceramic fitting

126、五金配件hardware fitting

127、玻璃配件glass fitting

128、荧光灯fluoescent light/lamp

129、节能灯Compact Fluorescent lamp(2u 3u 4u)

130、荧光灯支架Fluorescent Light and Fixtures

131、节能灯 Energy saving lamp

132、电子镇流器Electronic Ballasts

133、压铸件dis-casting fitting


135、电线electric wire/power cored



138、电感镇流器Inductive/magnetic ballast








146、荧光灯管Linear fluorescent light tube


148、三基色稀土荧光粉tri-phosphor Fluorescent Powder

149、三基色灯管tri-phosphor tube light

150、三基色发光二极管tri-phosphor LEDS

151、伪彩色LED显示屏pseudo-color LED panel

152、全彩色LED显示屏all-color LED panel

153、光及辐射Light and radiation

154、光通量Luminous flux

155、光强度Luminous intensityI


157、照度 IlluminanceE



160、色温Color Temperature

161、光色Light color

162、演色性Color rendering

163、平均演色性指数general color rendering index(ra)

164、灯具效率Luminaire effiency

165、不可见光Invisible Light


167、白炽灯泡Incandescent bulb

168、气体放电灯Gas discharge lamp


170、烟花灯 firework lamp / light

171、节日灯 holiday lamp / light

172、圣诞灯 Christmas lamp / light

173、椰树灯 coconut lamp / light

174、卤素灯 Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps

175、白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs

176、组合开关 integral switch

177、专业照明 illumination

178、舞台灯 stage lamp

179、应急灯 emergency lamp / light

180、嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯 recessed light / lamp

181、车灯 car lamp

182、车头灯 head lamp

183、孙光辉 Jacky Sun

184、投光灯 spot light / lamp

185、走线灯 light linear

186、泛光灯 flood light / lamp

187、景观灯 landscape light / lamp

188、电子感应灯 electronic senor light / lamp

189、灭蚊灯 mosquito killer lamp

190、光源 light

191、灯泡 bulb

192、节能灯 energy saving lamp

193、孙光辉 Jacky Sun

194、节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯) Compact Fluorescent Lamp

195、荧光灯 fluorescent light /lamp

196、荧光灯支架 fluorescent light fixtures

197、电筒 flashlight/torch light / lamp

198、灯杯 lamp cup

199、金卤灯 metal halide/halogen lamp

200、溴钨灯 Bromine tungsten lamp

201、汞灯 mercury lamp

202、钠灯 Sodium lamp

203、卤钨灯 Halogen tungsten lamp

204、碘钨灯 iodine tungsten lamp

205、氖灯/霓虹灯 neon lamp

206、孙光辉翻译 Translated by Jacky Sun

207、石英灯 quartz lamp

208、倍尔诺照明 Banner lighting company

209、卤素灯 halogen lamp

210、灯饰配件 light fittings

211、灯罩 lamp shade

212、灯头/灯座 lamp holder

213、灯头/灯座 lamp base

214、灯盘 lamp house

215、压克力配件 acrylic fitting

216、塑胶配件 plastic fitting

