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导读 大家好,今天小六子来为大家解答以下的问题,关于whistle音译歌词中文blackpink,whistle音译这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


1、Whistle - Flo Ridacan you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝let me know让我知道girl i m gonna show you how to do it女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做and we start real slow然后我们慢慢开始you just put your lips together你只要把双唇合拢and you come real close然后你就能发出类似的声音can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝here we go我们一起开始吧i m betting you like bebop我猜你是喜欢比波普音乐的and i m betting you love creep mode而且我猜你也喜欢令人惊悚的调式and i m betting you like girls that give love to girls而且我猜你会喜欢关爱同性的女孩and stroke your little ego轻抚你的小小自我i bet i m guilty your honor我猜你的荣誉令我感到内疚but that s how we live in my genre但这就是我们生活中的风格when in hell i pay rottweiler该死我到底该什么时候该付洛威纳犬的价钱there s only one flo and one rida这儿只有一个弗洛先生。

2、一个瑞达先生i m a damn shame该死我真够惭愧order more champagne pull it down hellstream再点些香槟酒,倒下去tryna put it on ya试着把它放在你那里bet your lips spin back around corner我猜角落边上的你会动动嘴巴slow it down baby take a little longer慢一点宝贝我希望你再延长些时间can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝let me know让我知道girl i m gonna show you how to do it女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做and we start real slow然后我们慢慢开始you just put your lips together你只要把双唇合拢and you come real close然后你就能发出类似的声音can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝。

3、口哨宝贝here we go我们一起开始吧it s like everywhere i go就像在我去过的所有地方一样my whistle ready to blow我随时都准备吹口哨shorty don t leave a note这美女没留下什么便条she can get any by the low不过她轻易就能得到些permission not approved这种允许可不被认可it s okay it s under control这样就好,在我的控制之下show me soprano cause girl you can handle给我秀秀女高音,因为女孩你能搞定它baby we start snagging you come in part clothes宝贝我们开始消除阻碍。

4、你让些新服饰登场girl i m losing wing my bucatti the same road女孩我丢了翅膀,我的布拉迪跑车在同一条路上show me your perfect pitch向我展示出你最完美的音调you got it my banjo你已学会弹我的班卓琴talented with your lips like you blew out candles你的双唇天赋异禀就像你在吹蜡烛时一样so amusing now you can make a whistle with the music太有趣啦,你现在会吹出这种乐曲啦hope you ain t got no issue you can do it但愿你对这没有争议。

5、你能做到的give me the perfect picture never lose it给我一幅最好的图景,我永远不会丢掉它的can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝let me know让我知道girl i m gonna show you how to do it女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做and we start real slow然后我们慢慢开始you just put your lips together你只要把双唇合拢and you come real close然后你就能发出类似的声音can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝。

6、口哨宝贝here we go我们一起开始吧go girl you can work it去吧女孩你能做到的let me see your whistle while you work it你吹口哨时请让我见识下i mma lay it back don t stop it我会躺下聆听,别停下cause i love it how you drop it drop it drop it on me因为我爱上你,为我一直吹到结束。

7、结束,结束的样子了now shorty let that whistle blow现在,这美女要吹响口哨了yeah baby let that whistle blow耶。

8、宝贝快吹响口哨吧can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝let me know让我知道girl i m gonna show you how to do it女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做and we start real slow然后我们慢慢开始you just put your lips together你只要把双唇合拢and you come real close然后你就能发出类似的声音can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝here we go我们一起开始吧。

