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导读 大家好,今天小六子来为大家解答以下的问题,关于西式婚礼誓词是什么,西式婚礼誓词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、西式婚


1、西式婚礼誓词英文 I -(name)  take you, name to be my wife, knowing in my heart that you will always be my best friend, my partner in life and my one true love. On this special day, I give to you in the presence of God my promise to stay by your side as your husband,in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good  times and the bad.I promise to love you without reservation, to honor and respect you, to provide for your needs the best that  I can,to protect you from harm, to comfort you in times of distress,  to grow with you in mind and spirit, to always be open and honest  with you,  and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. 中文翻译: 我(全名)愿意娶/嫁你(全名)作为我的妻子/丈夫。




