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导读 大家好,今天小六子来为大家解答以下的问题,关于微剧本是什么意思,微剧本这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Egeus and He


1、Egeus and Hermia上场Egeus: Hermia, you have to marry Demetrious, the best guy in the city. 荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。

2、 Hermia: I’m sorry, Dad! I can’t be his wife. 爸爸,抱歉。


4、 Egeus: Why do you refused to marry Demetrius? He is really a worthy gentleman! 你为什麼拒绝嫁给狄米崔斯呢?他是一个真正的绅士。

5、 Hermia: But I don’t love him. I’ve fell in love with Lysander. 但是我不爱他。


7、 Egeus: Lysander? Is he better than Demetrious? No! 莱赛德?他会比狄米崔斯好吗?不! Hermia: Oh! Dad! Demettrious had ever said that he love my friend, Helena, and she, a sweet lady also love him deeply. 喔!爸爸,狄米崔斯曾说过,他爱我的朋友—海伦娜,而这一个甜美女孩也深爱狄米崔斯。

8、 Egeus: No matter what you say, I’ve decided to let you marry to Demetrious. I stick to do this! 不管你怎麼说!我已经决定让你嫁给狄米崔斯了,我坚决这样做。

9、 Hermia: I won’t give my heart to the person who I never like. 我不愿把我的心交给一个我不曾喜欢的人。

10、 Egeus: If you don’t marry Demetrious, I’ll use the ancient right of Athens, asking to put you to death according to our law! (下) 如果你不嫁给狄米崔斯,根据我们的法律,我将用雅典的古律法要求判你死刑。

11、 Hermia: Oh! Please, please do not! My dear father! Don’t you love me any more? Don’t give me up, please! 喔,不要,请不要这麼做,亲爱的父亲,你不再爱我了吗?请不要放弃我。

12、 Lysander上场 Lysander: Sweet Hermia, my love! What’s going wrong? Let me wipe your heart-breaking tears! 亲爱的荷米亚,我的爱人,怎麼回事?让我擦掉你那心碎的眼泪。

13、 Hermia: My father said that unless I marry Demetrious, or he’ll be put me to death! What can I do? 我爸爸说,除非我嫁给狄米崔斯,否则他将处死我,我该怎麼办? Lysander: Fear not and hear me. Tomorrow night, I’ll wait for you in the wood a few miles outside the city. If you really love me, getting far away this sad city with me. 不要害怕并听我说,明天晚上,我将在城外几哩的树林里等你,如果你真的爱我,就和我一起逃离这伤心的城市吧。

14、 Hermia: I will because I love you so. 我会的,因为我如此爱你。

15、 Helena上场 Helena: Hello! Hermia. 嗨,荷米亚。

16、 Hermia: I’m so glad to see you, my friend! 我很高兴见到你,我的朋友。

17、 Helena: But Demetrious love you. Oh, tech me how to attract his eyes, please? 但是狄米崔斯爱的是你,请教我如何吸引他的目光吧? Hermia: Take comfort, he no more shall see my face. Tomorrow night Lysander and myself will fly this place. We’ll meet in the wood. Please pray for us and don’t tell others, good-bye! (下) 放心吧,他再也不会看见我的脸了,明晚莱赛德和我将要逃离此地,我们相约在森林里见面,请你为我们祈祷,并且不要告诉其他人,再见。

18、 Helena: I will go tell Demetrious of fair Hermia’s flight, and then he’ll pursue her. I just want to have his sight again. (下) 我要去告诉狄米崔斯,美丽的荷米亚将要离开,然后他将会去追寻她,而我只是想再看见他的容貌。

19、 第二幕第一场 (森林中) 口白:Tonight, the moon is so beautiful. The wood was a favorite meeting-place of those little fairies. The king is always thinking, but what is he thinking of? The atmosphere is a little strange这个树林是精灵最喜欢的聚会地点,可是仙王和仙后此时发生了严重的争吵。

20、 Oberon: I’ll meet by moonlight, proud Titania. 真不巧又在月光下遇见你,傲慢的泰妲妮亚。

21、 Titania: What, jealous Oberon! You are as lovely as before. Why dou’t you become a little handsome?Your head is just a pig head. Your stomach is like a big melon. O,I can’t see you any more.Fairies, show him my idle .亲吻画像 this is a true man, my love for ever.嘿,嫉妒的欧波隆。

22、 下Oberon: Well, go your way. Before the morning dawns, I will make you suffer for this injury. Come here, my gentle Puck. 好,你走吧,在黎明之前,我一定要为这侮辱惩罚你。


24、 Puck: I’m here, my lord. 我在这儿,我的主人。

25、 Oberon: Fetch me the juice of that little purple flower, laid on the eyelids of those who sleep, will make them, when they awake, love madly the first thing they see crazily. 替我把花拿来,一旦将那紫色小花的汁液滴在睡眠者的眼皮上,当他们醒来时,便会疯狂的爱上所看到的第一件东西。

26、Puck: Crazyly,crazily.I’ll do that very well. Believe me. (下) 我会办好这事的,相信我。

27、 Oberon: But who comes here? I am invisible. And I will overhear their conference. 可是谁到这儿来啦?他们看不见我,让我听一听他们说些什麼。

28、 Demetrious和Helena上 Demetrious: I don’t love you at all, so you don’t pursue me. Where are Lysander and fair Hermia? You told me they are there, but I can’t meet my Hermia. Go away and follow me no more. 我不爱你,所以别跟著我,莱赛德和美丽的荷米亚在那儿?你告诉我,他们在这里,但是我找不到我的荷米亚。


30、 Helena: You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant. 是你吸引我的,你这硬心肠的磁石。

31、 Demetrious: Do I speak you fair? Tell you, I do not, nor I cannot love you. 我曾经向你说过好话吗?告诉你,我不爱你,而且也不会爱你。

32、 Helena: And even for that do I love you the more. Please let me follow you even I am like your dog. 即使这样,也只是使我更爱你。


34、 Demetrious: I am sick when I do look on you! 我一看见你就头痛。

35、 Helena: And I am sick when I look not on you. 可是我看不到你就心痛。

36、 Demetrious: Let me go. Cause I’m so hate you! (下) 让我走,因为我是这麼的讨厌你。

37、 Helena: Don’t leave me alone. Please stay, though you kill me. (下) 不要离开我,请留下吧,就算你杀了我。

38、 Oberon: The poor girl! I have to help her. Puck,Puck, haveyou get the flower? (Puck上) 可怜的女孩,我得帮助她。

39、你把花采来了吗? Puck: Ay, there it is. 是的,就在这儿。

40、 Oberon: There has been a sweet lady here, who is in love with a cruel youth. If you find him sleeping, drop some of the love-juice in his eyes. But see that you do it when he awakes maybe this lady. 这里有一位甜美的少女爱上了冷酷的年轻人。


42、Puck: Don’t worry, my lord, your servant shall do so. (两人同下) 放心吧,主人,一切将如你所愿。

43、 第三幕第一场 (森林的另一处) Lysander: Fair love, you faint with wandering in the wood; if you think it good, and tarry for the comfort of the day. 好人,你在树林中跋涉著,累得快要昏倒了,要是你同意,让我们休息一下吧。

44、 Hermia: Be it so, Lysander. Good night, sweet lover. 就照你的意思吧,莱赛德。


46、 Lysander: I wish sleep give you all his rest! 愿睡眠给你充分的休养。

47、 Hermia: I will share with you. 我愿与你分享。

48、 两人同睡,Puck上 Puck: Ah! Who is here? This is he, the cruel youth. And she is the lady. Pretty soul! She durst not lie near this lack-love. Churl, I’ll drop the love-juice in your eyes. Hey! It’s so funny! (下) 啊,谁在这儿?这是那残酷的年轻人,而她就是那个女孩。




