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导读 大家好,今天小六子来为大家解答以下的问题,关于陈冠希道歉这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、陈冠希道歉信原文及翻译(dolp


1、陈冠希道歉信原文及翻译(dolphinwithboy edition)——全文归结Today I have come back to Hong Kong to stand before you and account for myself. I have never escaped from my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I have been with my mother and my family and my loved ones to show support and care and at the same time to have them support and care for me.今天,我回到香港站在你们大家面前为关于我的事做一些解释——我从来没有推卸责任。


3、I admit that most of the photos being circulated on the Internet were taken by me. But these photos are very private and have not been shown to people and are never intended to be shown to anyone. These photos were stolen from me illegally and distributed without my consent.我承认传到网上的大部分照片是我拍摄的。



6、There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos have them uploaded on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent. This matter has deteriorated to the extent that society as a whole has been affected by this. In this regard, I am deeply saddened. I would like now to apologize to all the people for all the suffering that has been caused and the problems that have arisen from this. I would like to apologize to all the ladies and to all their families for any harm or hurt that they have been feeling. I am sorry. I would like to also apologize to my mother and my father for the pain and suffering I have caused them during the past few weeks. Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people of Hong Kong. I give my apology sincerely to you all,unreservedly and with my heart.这是可以肯定的,得到这些照片并把照片上传到网上的人有着恶意的蓄谋已久的目的。





11、I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our ***.and in this regard, I have failed. I failed as a role model. However, I wish this matter will teach everyone a lesson. To all the young people in our community, let this be a lesson for you all. This is not an example to be set for you.我知道香港的一些年轻人非常崇拜一些社会中的偶像,就这一点来说,我做得很失败。





16、During my time away, I have made an important decision. I will whole-heartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date. But after that, I decided to step away from the Hong Kong entertainment industry. I have decided to do this to give myself an opportunity to heal myself and to search my soul. I will dedicate my time to charity and community work within the next few months. I will be away from Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely. There is no time frame.在我离开的这段时间里,我做了一个重要的决定。





21、have been assisting the police since the first day the photos were published and I will continue to assist them. After this press con.,I have obligation to help them with their investigation and hope that this case can end soon as everyone I think has the same wish.从照片被公布到网上的第一天起,我就已经协助警方调查此事,我将继续和他们配合。


23、Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today and listening to what I have to say. I would like to also apologize once again to all the ladies and their families, my family and to everyone in Hong Kong and everyone in our society. I am deeply saddened by this. And I apologize to everyone who has to go through this. I would like to also thank you for giving me this opportunity to say what I have wanted to say all along in my heart.I hope, after today, I can have your forgiveness. With regard to this case, with everything, everything that has happened, I am deeply sorry.I hope you all accept my apology and give me a chance. Thank you. 最后,我感谢大家今天来此并耐心地听我的解释。









