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导读 大家好,今天小六子来为大家解答以下的问题,关于精神食粮有深度有涵养的句子,精神食粮这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、让



2、 提倡健康的精神食粮,但是就像物质食粮一样,精神食粮也有不好的,比如赌博对于赌鬼来说就是精神食粮,而沉醉其中有可能使人沉沦。

3、基本解释精神食粮food for thought manna pabulum 例句Spiritual nourishment of divine origin.来源于神的精神食粮And I quite appreciate the "Books are food for the mind."南:我很欣赏这个说法:“书籍是精神食粮。

4、”It is not enough to provide for the body. We must also provide for the inner man.光有物质上的丰衣足食还不够,我们还得有精神食粮。

5、Food for thought; food for the soul.思想食物;灵魂食粮Writers and artists who are responsible to the people should always keep their faces turned towards the masses and constantly improve their skills, doing their best to avoid slipshod work, seriously considering the likely impact of their works on society and trying to provide the people with the best mental nourishment. 对人民负责的文艺工作者,要始终不渝地面向广大群众,在艺术上精益求精,力戒粗制滥造,认真严肃地考虑自己作品的社会效果,力求把最好的精神食粮贡献给人民。

